
Kaley Strachan, MPT


Kaley Strachan is a Registered Physiotherapist with a Masters in Physical Therapy from the University of British Columbia and a Bachelors of Physical Education from the University of Alaska Anchorage. 

As a national level gymnast and then cross country and track runner, Kaley has experience in sports and rehab from both an athletic and health professional perspective. She takes interest in treating a wide variety of conditions from sports and work injuries, fall prevention, prenatal and postnatal care, neurological conditions and general health and well being.

​Kaley is trained in the following:

  • ​Neurokinetic Therapy which assesses for compensation patterns and overuse

  • Anatomical Neuropathic Intramuscular Stimulation (AN-IMS) which is a dry needling technique to alleviate pain and muscle tension

  • Soft Tissue Release

  • Chronic pain management

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

  • Bobath Technique for neurological conditions

  • Mulligans Upper Extremity Mobilizations with Movement. 

In her spare time, Kaley enjoys hiking, camping, fishing, gardening and working on home improvements with her growing family.